Serenity Ridge Maple Syrup

It’s Here!
But it won’t last long.

Get your Serenity Ridge Maple Syrup now.

Sweet, 100% pure maple syrup from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

My husband has been making Maple Syrup for over 14 years, he adds nothing to it, created pure from the Maple trees on our property, located in Dafter, Michigan.
All natural and sweet, I recommend it on your pancakes, waffles, french toast, ice cream or just a shot to boost your energy.

1 12oz Bottle

1-12oz bottle $24.50, includes u.s. priority shipping and tracking.
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2 12oz Bottles2-12oz bottles $37.00, includes u.s. priority shipping and tracking.
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4 12oz bottles

4-12oz Bottles $59.00, includes u.s. priority shipping and tracking.
Sold Out!

If you would like to purchase more than 4 bottles please email me at:

Note:  My website has been having a lot of issues lately at check out.  If you have any problems please let me know and I can send you an invoice through paypal.